
Curious to see how God is using Tedd and Margy’s seminars in peoples’ lives? Below are some actual quotes from real people who have attended our seminars:

“It was excellent, timely and encouraging. I was especially impressed with his talk on giving our kids a big view of God. Awesome stuff, whether kid or not!”

“Biblical, cross-focused, and encouraging! Tedd Tripp gave a biblical perspective of parenting and brought helpful life experiences to the table to make his teaching helpful.”

“Tedd is clear, thorough, direct, humorous, in his teaching, gracious in his speech, and patient and sensitive in his answers to questions. Great job!”

“I want to be a parent more and I feel more equipped.”

“I really appreciated how Tedd broke down the text in Eph 6:1ff and walked us through why each word mattered. Those were great reminders for me, which I’ve since passed onto my kids.”

“The gospel is the driving force of biblical and godly parenting and parenting is helping our children to make much of God and live their lives in a godly way. Helping children to honor the Lord is what brings long-life and blessings.”

“A big thank you to the Shepherding the Heart Ministries…God richly blessed the seminar beyond my expectation and I belief that many who attended would say the same thing. Especially the second session “Helping kids see the glory of God” was a highlight for me. I’m so grateful to God for your ministry and want to continue to pray for you so that many more families would be blessed through Dr. Tedd Tripp’s biblical teaching on parenting.

I would describe the seminar as having been a great feast on the Word of God and the Wonder of God and that woven in teaching of parenting, truly amazing. The only thing we regret is that we did not keep Dr. Tedd Tripp for the Sunday service. There is so much more I want to say, but it is hard to truly put into words what I feel in my heart toward what happened in the seminar. It was so encouraging.”

Your book Shepherding A Child’s Heart is an amazing blessing for us and at least 6 other people have read and shared it. What a teaching! During that three days, that all idols one by one felt, and I could see the hurting and evil of that idols were doing to my heat and my wife´s also, even that we were working in God´s work. When I shared with my wife she testified that God has done the same thing to her. Since then We have prayed and seek God’s will.

I praise the Lord and thank him for you and the way you have received and care about us. [I pray] that our God, Father, Jesus Christ the son, and our savior can have you in grace and keep you sending words of life to that ones who knows and to the ones does not know Him yet.

Dear sister, I’d like to thank you and your husband for your love and attention, for been a channel of life and hope that came from the Lord Jesus into our hearts. I have so much in my heart to share. The Lord’s been speaking deep into my heart and the time with you was a confirmation of His love and care toward our family. The Lord is enlighting my husband and I so much.

I’m praying for you. May the Lord keep blessing you and His people through your Ministry.