Instructing a Child’s Heart Seminar

Instructing a Child’s HeartThis seminar, presented by Dr. Tedd Tripp, highlights primary themes from the book written by he and Margy, Instructing a Child’s Heart. It is commonly presented in a five session, Friday evening, Saturday morning format, although Tedd is open to presenting the material in other formats. The following is a typical schedule.

Friday Evening

6:30 – 7:00  Registration

7:00 – 8:00 The Call to Formative Instruction – Deuteronomy 6
Formative instruction provides children with biblical ways of thinking. It is the process of instruction that enables our children to root life in the revelation of God in the Bible. Formative instruction is not focused on correcting something that has gone wrong; its focus is providing ways of interpreting and responding to life that are biblical.

8:00 – 8:15 p.m. Break

8:15 – 9:15 What is a Family?
The Christian family is a theological learning center where God’s glory is on display.  It is a sociological learning center where children learn to live with and love others.  It is a redemptive learning center where parents stand in solidarity with their children as people who sin, are sinned against and must experience the grace of redemption working within.


9:00 – 10:00 Living Joyfully Under Authority – Ephesians 6
Our culture thinks of authority as derived from overwhelming force or consent.  We have no idea that it is good and proper for some to be in authority and for others to be under authority. True freedom is found in living joyfully under the authorities that God has ordained.

10:10 – 11:10 Getting to the Heart of Behavior – Proverbs 4:23
Proverbs 4 says, “The heart is the well-spring of life.”  Luke 6 tells us that it is, “out of the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks.”  If behavior flows from the heart, then we cannot think about behavior biblically without reference to the heart.  This teaching will equip us to help our children see how behavior that has strayed reflects a heart that has strayed.

11:20 – 12:30 Corrective Discipline – Galatians 6
Corrective discipline is responding to our children when something has gone
wrong.  Galatians 6 states the sowing and reaping principle of Scripture.  We must learn to shape consequences for our kids as a way not to manipulate behavior, but as a way of
underscoring the enduring truth of God’s Word. Key to corrective discipline is skill in communicating biblically – with restraint, using pleasant words and delighting in understanding.