In addition to writing and publishing books, Tedd & Margy have offered a variety of seminars throughout their career. Their goal has always been to help parents, teachers, and families grow in the wisdom and grace of God with teaching that is biblical yet practical, serious yet heartfelt, approachable yet challenging.
While Tedd & Margy no longer offer live or virtual seminars, you can watch many of their previous seminars for free online. For those interested, we also included links to where the books and professionally-produced DVD recordings can be purchased from Shepherd Press.
We hope that this material is a blessing to you!
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
This material, presented by Dr. Tedd Tripp, highlights primary themes from the best selling book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. The free version is available on YouTube in a five session, five hour format, whereas the DVD version from Shepherd Press is in 12 sessions and six hours total run time. In it, we learn that “the heart is the wellspring of life,” and that in order to truly correct problematic behavior, we must address the heart. Otherwise, we will never affect true and lasting change, either in ourselves or in the young ones we are called to care for.
Shepherding The Hearts of Children (16-Part Seminary Class)
In 2021, Tedd presented a sixteen-part class that was used as the basis for a seminary class ovserseas. This in-depth version of the Shepherding A Child’s Heart material is perfect for anyone who is looking for a deeper dive into the biblical truths underpinning our resposibility to care for the hearts of our children.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart in the Classroom
This six-part YouTube series, led by both Tedd and Margy, is specifically targeted to apply the truths of Shepherding A Child’s Heart to an educational classroom setting. Learn how teachers can use biblical truths (like the principle of sowing and reaping) to better manage and care for their students in ways that go beyond mere behaviorism.